General Information

Free Admission
Intrigue competitions and shows are free to watch! We love seeing your families and friends support you.

Requirements For Competition
A dancer MUST be registered for the convention in order to compete.

Video photography is restricted due to copyrighted material. There is NO video or photography during competition—this will be strictly enforced. Intrigue Dance Intensive reserves the right to use any media taken during the convention and competition for promotional purposes.
Don't Miss out
Join us at Nationals for a week of inspiration as you develop your artistry and dive into the world of creative growth
Consist of ballet technique with classical movement that reflects a ballet style.
Consist of ballet technique with the use of pointe shoes.
Primarily jazz technique with up-tempo music.
A combination of ballet and jazz technique in an emotional routine that encompasses around the music to drive feeling and rhythms.
A combination of modern and jazz merged together with a stronger emphasis on modern technique.
Consists of Broadway, movie or musical dance styles-may incorporate acting and/or costumes.
A contemporary jazz routine that draws from modern, lyrical and ballet movements.
An added style to Intrigue, this will include all styles of Ballroom. The most common being Foxtrot, Waltz, Rumba, Cha Cha and Swing.
Consists of tap technique. Any recorded tap sounds on the music track will be a deduction of five points. (Clogging routines should not be categorized as a tap entry but under “Specialty”)
Routines consisting primarily of hip hop technique.
Routines consisting of controlled acrobatic and rhythmic gymnastic movements involving balance and flexibility–may contain gymnastic passes. While a majority of the routine must contain acrobatic moves, it must also contain choreographed dance movement. There is no category for pure acro/gymnastic routines and the use of mats is strictly prohibited.
A routine utilizing pom pons at least 50% of the routine’s duration. Acrobatic movement may be incorporated along with the dance steps and choreography.
Clogging, ethnic/folkloric, character, novelty etc.
Any combination of two or more of the fore-mentioned categories.
Competition Entry Fees
Entry fees are per number and performer.
Intrigue Dance Intensive allows a ten second grace period for each routine. One point will be deducted every five seconds after the grace period.
Fees Before Deadline
Fees After Deadline
*A fee of $5.00 per dancer will be added if a routine goes over allotted time.
Age Averaging Clarification
To find the appropriate age category for your routine, simply add all the dancers’ ages as of the start date of competition and divide by the number of dancers in the entry. When finding the average age of your routine always remove the decimal point. For example if an average age returns a number of 15.8, remove the .8 to have an average age of 15. Therefore, your number would be placed under the Teen Division, Ages 13-15
NOTE: All ages as of JANUARY 1, 2025.
AGES: 6-9
AGES: 13-15
AGES: 10-12
AGES: 16-21
Judging Criteria
Choreography & Musicality
Overall Performance
All entries are adjudicated by three judges. Each judge scores on a basis of 1 to 100 points. The combined score of the judges is the total score.
True Artist
291 - 300 points
276 - 290.99 points
High gold
261 - 275.99 points
246 - 260.99 points
231 - 245.99 points
216 - 230.99 points
Studio Entry Limits & Requirements
Regional competition will be limited to the allotted available time. Entries will be received and accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. If there are too many entries, solos and duo/trios must be available to compete on Friday starting as early as 7am. In extreme cases, competition may begin on Thursday. We will do our best to notify studios 14 days prior to event start date if an early start to competition is likely to happen.
Registration for the competition is closed four weeks before the event. Entry information must be completed to be accepted. All contestants must be registered for the entire convention in order to compete.
The deadline for any changes in competition entries must be three weeks before the competition.
There are no restrictions as to how many numbers a performer can participate in.
Teachers who own more than one studio may submit entries for each studio, as long as both studios are registered separately for the convention and competition.
Live props are not allowed. General props are welcome. No large scenery, dangerous or oversized props.
Judges may change the division and/or category of an entry, if warranted.
Competition entry fees are non-refundable. Returned check service fee is $25.00.
All registered dancers may compete as long as they are not a teacher or professional.
Dancers may not register to compete under 2 different studios at the same competition event.
If registered by the 4 week deadline, participants will receive a confirmation email detailing the registered convention participants, competition numbers and payment information.
Each studio must upload their music upon registering on DanceComp Genie in .mp3 or .m4a format only. All music must be uploaded 7 days prior to event start date. To keep our events running smoothly, we will not be able to access music that is uploaded the week of the event. Intrigue also accepts USB drives. USB must have routine name and entry number properly labelled for each entry. Studios must submit all music and backup USB drives to the Intrigue registration desk no later than two hours before the start of the competition. We will not accept music that is provided on devices such as mp3 players, CDs or phones. Backup USB drives must have entries properly labelled within each folder (i.e. Entry Number – Entry Title).
Studio Awards
True Director Award
Intrigue recognizes studios that embrace all styles of dance. Studios competing in multiple genres and at least 15 group entries will qualify to win Intrigue’s True Director Award. The highest scoring group entry from each qualified studio will be awarded the True Director Award. ALL competing dancers in the winning entry will be rewarded with a 50% off discount to Intrigue Nationals convention classes!
*Qualifying studios can only be awarded with either the True Director or True Producer award per event.
True Producer Award
Studios with 20 group entries or more will be considered for the True Producer Award. The highest scoring group entry from each qualified studio will be awarded the True Producer Award. ALL competing dancers in the winning entry will be rewarded with free access to Intrigue Nationals convention classes!
*Qualifying studios can only be awarded with either the True Director or True Producer award per event.
Safety and Other Liabilities
Please report all accidents and injuries to an Intrigue Dance Intensive manager immediately.